Thank you for completing this short learning check after participating in the School Breakfast Program Meal Pattern and Offer Versus Serve training for the Montana School Meal Certificate program. If you have any questions on this form, please contact Haley Scott at haley.scott1@montana.edu or 406-994-5641.
Please enter the last 4 digits of your personal phone number to be used as your “identifier” throughout the program. We will not be contacting you at this number, it will just be used to keep surveys confidential. Please use the same identifier for each evaluation you complete.
In which format did you complete the School Breakfast Program Meal Pattern and Offer Versus Serve training?
I increased my School Breakfast Program Meal Pattern and Offer Versus Serve knowledge and skills
I feel more confident in applying the School Breakfast Program Meal Pattern and Offer Versus Serve information to my school nutrition program