Montana School District Wellness Policy Report (district level) Directions and tips for easy survey completion:

We suggest that you review the entire document to become familiar with the information requested in each section before completing it electronically. Click here for a copy of the assessment.


It may be helpful to have a copy of the:

  • School district's wellness policy and implementation/action plan for reference while completing the survey, an Recent school board or wellness committee meeting minutes that approved or revised the policy. They can be uploaded to the survey.  
  • Once you start entering data, you can save and update the survey as often as needed. Please use the same computer when completing it in multiple settings so you can save and return to the survey. It is “computer sensitive” in that it can’t be accessed by users on different computers.


When you have completed this report to your satisfaction, press the 'Submit' button. Thank you for your commitment to school wellness and creating a healthy school environment.


Please contact Molly Stenberg, Montana Team Nutrition, Montana State University if you need further clarification: or (406) 994-7217.